Here's what past students had to say about taking this course

"I just took the NRA'S "Basics of Pistol Shooting" class offered by Mr. Lewis. First, let me say I had never handled a pistol in my 55 yrs of life. I was admittedly anxious around guns. After this class, I can now say I feel competent enough in understanding pistols and handling them. I have an informed respect for them and would feel comfortable expanding my use of a pistol in my life. Mr. Lewis was a great teacher, patient, helpful in answering all my questions and informative. His years of experience with his own firearms showed and made the class that much more effective.

The time actually shooting at the range was fun but more importantly put to use the classroom instruction in a seamless manner. I actually could shoot with fair precision too.

I would recommend this class to anyone who; has anxiety about guns; wants to understand how they work; wants to be an informed carrier of a weapon; or has decided that they want to take up shooting as a hobby but has no prior experience. You will walk away with a respect for firearms, a basic understanding of a pistol and how to shoot one and a feeling of competence in overcoming your anxiety or ambivalence about guns. Take the class!"
